Watch this video to see what DTS is all about. If you look close, you may see a familiar face : )

Here's the DTS trailor, just a shortened version of what's above...

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hi all,

What a crazy month, I don't think I've ever had to make so many decisions in my whole life : ) I used to laugh to myself when I would see other couples getting stressed out about their wedding plans but from now on I think I'll be identifying with them. And it's more than just making decisions, you have to actually agree on everything! Praise God. Anyway, here's what we've figured out so far...

We're getting married August 15th here in Texas with a reception following in Ohio but we're not quite sure when. It'll be an outside wedding at YWAM's Fatherheart campus and the reception will follow in Lindale at the Fellowship of Prairie Creek. I'll be returning to Ohio in the beginning of July to work and find a place to live. We're not sure what Emili will be doing yet, she is praying about finishing college. That's about as much as we've figured out at this point. I'm so excited ...and I just can't hide it. I miss my Amish/Mennonite friends very much!

Prayer Requests
-Please be praying for us as we make plans and prepare for what's ahead (a place to live, etc.)
-For grace for Emili with the move to Ohio and for both of us as our worlds come together... I may be getting a bit set in some of my ways, it's pretty typical of a 28 year old.
-I'm sure there's a lot of things you married people will know to pray for.
-For Emili as she co-leads an outreach to Costa Rica. She leaves April 11th and returns May 13th. Much of their focus will be helping to rebuild farmlands and homes that were destroyed by an earthquake this past January.

Things are slowing down a bit as the schools are going on outreach. The next ones begin March 29th and I'll be the dorm leader for the first couple months. I look forward to having a room to myself for a little while as my roommate goes on outreach.

That's all for now. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I'm humbled when I remember that my support doesn't come from the works of my own hands, but from yours. Thank you for partnering with me in what God is doing here at YWAM Tyler!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

February Update

Hey Everyone,

I apologize for not sending anything out sooner. I hope you are all getting along well this wonderful year of 2009.

It was so good to be able to visit back in November and in December with my girlfriend Emili. But today I'm very proud to announce to you all that she is now my fiance! For those of you who didn't know, we were officially a couple in March of 2008 and we knew each other since January of 2007. She grew up in Cedar Falls, Iowa and has been involved with YWAM for the past 3 or 4 years. I asked her to marry me on Saturday February 7th (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONRAD) and... she said YES! Now I am the happiest man alive.

I'm still working full time in the admissions department as well as leading worship for the dorm and for the schools twice a week. It's been a real stretch for me to lead worship as much as I've been lately. Also, every other weekend me and a few friends have headed up some local outreaches for the training schools and so it's been a real privilege to serve with the students in this way. Other commitments include no shortage of ministry meetings and dating : )

This past season has definitely been a good one and a challenging one. I always try to find that euphoria in my schedule where I'm busy enough (or relying on the Lord enough) to stay focused on God and yet have enough down time to rest and spend time with Jesus. This past couple of months I've probably been a little busier than I should be but God's been so gracious to me in that I never really felt overwhelmed. I have a really great roommate, Andrew, and he's been a real support to me this first year on staff.

On a more personal note, I think the one area in my life that God has been challenging me the most is having faith in Jehovah Rophi (God who heals). This spring the Lord healed me of allergies but this winter I began to experience some symptoms again and so I've just been reminded/challenged to stand on His word and believe God for my health. And this principal is so great cause it applies to so many areas of my life, not just my health, but all of the promises in the Bible. If it's His Word we can stand on it! Another thing I've really been challenged with lately is this question... am I willing to pour into others when I have nothing left of myself to give? The other day after a full day I was exhausted and was walking back to the dorm just in time to begin Dorm Devos and I had this thought... convince Andrew to just give me the night off. But I decided I would help anyway and God met me in such a special way that night. I'm convinced that God loves it when we have nothing left of ourselves to give so that he can flow through us in ways we only hope for much of the time.

I plan on being here on staff at least until the summer time. Emili and I are planning on getting hitched sometime in July or August and so we're praying about what God would have us do next. If it were up to me I would move back home, no questions asked, but we do really want to hear from God about what to do next. His ways are higher and we don't want to assume His will for our lives.

Like I said, Emili and I are really being intentional right now praying about our next move. Please be praying this week that we would have ears to hear Him speak His will and affirm our next steps. Also, we are both under a little bit of pressure to plan a wedding for this summer. She goes on outreach at the end of March for a month and a half and we are still looking for a place to have our reception. Please pray for wisdom and grace as we try to plan our wedding day. After much consideration we felt it would be best to get married here in Texas and have a reception in Ohio.

The school leader read this quote in class on Wednesday morning... "If you see yourself as a sinner trying to be a saint then that's exactly what you're going to be."

Monday, October 27, 2008

November Update

Hi everyone,

I hope this update finds you well! I want to thank all of you who have been checking my blog regularly, it's been really encouraging to see how many of you take interest in what I'm doing. It's beginning to feel like fall around here. I always get excited when the first cold day rolls around... the air is so refreshing and I get to wear my hoodies again. I love hoodies!

Work in the Admissions department has slowed quite a bit since the last schools began. After the summer hustle and bustle it's hard to believe I'm working in the same department. But I'm also working part time with the School of Worship (SOW) and leading the dorm, so a lot of what I do is done in the afternoon or evenings. It's been great working with a secondary school for a change, as opposed to DTS. I lead one of the three cell bands in SOW. My role is simply to support them in any way I can... encourage them, guide them, help them with band dynamics, and connect with them individually when I can.

It's been really, really fun... seriously! Most of the students decided to come to the SOW in faith because they didn't play an instrument. Last week one of the guys just picked up the bass guitar and was playing with the band at the end of practice. One girl who didn't know how to play an instrument when the school started was leading worship with the keys last week! So it's been great to see progress both musically and spiritually. They're continually stepping out in ways they're not comfortable with and God is meeting them. Even some of the songs they've been writing are very creative and anointed.

I do ask that you would join me in prayer. There are a few students in the SOW that have had a really tough time in this school. Even the most encouraging student I've met is fighting depression. They are feeling spiritually defeated and numb to God. I've lived long enough to know that we don't live by our feelings or live under our circumstances but I would just appreciate your prayers for this school, and myself. I have been dealing with a degree of this too for the past few months and sometimes I'm really not sure what to say (or what not to say) when I'm spending time with them. So please pray that I would have wisdom to know how to minister to them and for the Holy Spirit to awaken hearts. Thank you all so much for your prayers and please keep praying for me and for the ministry of YWAM Tyler. I sense that God is at work in some big ways here and I'm really eager to see it happen!

I look forward to seeing some of you soon, I'll be visiting for a week over Thanksgiving... right around the time my first nephew is born. Ha ha : ) And there just happens to be a special friend coming with me. Blessings!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September Update

Hi ya'll,

I hope you're enjoying the cooler temperatures. I know I am. It's dropped down to highs in the 80's. Yesterday I felt a cool breeze for the first time in months and I just had to stand there for awhile and soak it up... ahhh! Just in case someone's wondering, hurricane Ike came and went by us. We didn't even see much rain. I hear of power outages and all the damage that's been done, even in Ohio, and yet we barely heard the wind blowing. From what I gather Ike took a turn and went east of us, sparing us from most of the rain and bringing in some really beautiful weather on Sunday.

Things are beginning to wind down this week. The July schools left for outreach over the weekend leaving us one week to take a breather and to prepare for the next 6 schools beginning September 28th. This is a much needed break by the way. I was able to get away for two days August and it was great, just not long enough. I am looking forward to my visit home during Thanksgiving.

Once again my responsibilities have grown a bit. Aside from my work in the admissions department, I will be the dorm leader of the guys' dorm as well as part-time staff with the School of Worship. I won't bore you with all of the details of my schedule but let's just say I'll be really busy. I don't like being busy but as I prayed about these things I really sensed that God is saying yes. It is going to be a stretch for me, especially being in a serious dating relationship, so please just be praying that God's purposes to be accomplished in me and through me and that God will give me wisdom to manage my time well.

Blessings to you all, and thank you for all of your encouragement and support!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Wow, what to say! So much has happened in the past 3 months! Schools coming and going, 5 different youth camps have almost been completed, and the Texas heat has kicked in to high gear!

What does this mean for me? Well, when I posted my last blog my focus was mainly working in the admissions department and discipleship within the dorm (basically just spending time with the students, not something that is required of me). Since then I've committed to small groups for DTS. This means involvement in small groups twice a week, a two hour staff meeting every Tuesday, and a minimum of 3 meals set aside for 1 on 1's with the small group guys. Aside from this, I now lead worship on Monday's for the DTS.

When I joined school staff part time I didn't really know what I was getting into, but I think the Lord did. As busy and challenged as I've been since my arrival in January I think it was time for a new challenge. Something to help me rely on the Lord, you know? The past four weeks have been especially stretching because I started working with schools and at the same time was leading worship every morning for youth camps and my co-worker left for his outreach to Germany. So during all of this I was filling in for the registrar which requires a lot of things I am yet learning how to do. But isn't it great how the Lord speaks to you when you're in a position to hear from Him, when the pressure's on?

So often I find myself fighting His ways... not wanting to trust before I understand, not willing to risk when I'm content. His word often seems so contrary to reality but when I obey it it's like this whole new world becomes alive. I can see things the way I'm supposed to see them, good always wins, and Jesus is Lord! This is the world that I want to live in.

Deep thought:
If the gospel message was a cruise ship, what do you think Jesus might say?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Dorm Devo's

Every 3 months the guys' dorm atmosphere completely changes. The old schools leave for outreach and the new schools move in for their lecture phase. Our newest schools started less than 3 weeks ago and there seems to be this challenge to keep the atmosphere in the dorm a God-centered one that's conducive for the Holy Spirit.

So every Wednesday evening after dinner me and my roommate (Andrew) prepare our hearts as well as cover the whole dorm in prayer. Then at 8:15 we invite the students into our dorm room to pray before Dorm Devotions at 9:00pm. We've been praying now for some time because we have a burden on our hearts to see breakthrough happen in these schools as well as to bare more and more fruit ourselves as staff.

This last Wednesday at Dorm Devo's was exceptionally good. One of our kitchen staff was scheduled to share and he had no idea what he was supposed to share. He had something prepared earlier in the week but didn't have peace to share it. After praying about it some more he simply trusted the Lord to come through when he got up to share. Well, none of us were really ready for what he was about to share! This what he started out with,

"The Lord told me just now that there's somebody here who hasn't given everything to the Him yet..."

You should have seen the whole room! I never saw the guys sober up so fast! My first thought was a prayerful one... "oh help us Jesus!".

But me and I'm sure many of the other staff were praying and the Lord ministered powerfully that night! Within 10 minutes the whole room was alive with guys praying for each other. By the end of the night, one of the staff confessed unforgiveness toward his parents and some of the students were boldly sharing testimonies with each other. I believe it is the beginning of an answer to prayer and I'm so thankful to the Lord for this. How refreshing it is to be a part of what the Lord is doing.

"The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 5-7 (ESV)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 16th update

It's about mid-afternoon now and I'm just getting started with my day! Every couple of weekends the base needs to have 2 guys guarding the front entrance from 10pm to 6am. I got to bed around 7 this morning and I think my body is a little confused, maybe, I don't know.

Trying to adjust to my schedule had been a hopeless cause for the last month and a half. If I wasn't traveling somewhere, there was something going on at the base. March 1st we launched an annual mobile ministry event called Take Action here at the ranch and a team is on their way back from one in Chicago with New Mexico planned at the end of the month. With a good number of staff gone it requires the rest of us to pick up the slack. This experience has been a test of character for many of us but in some ways it's helped us to rise above our weaknesses. Sounds like scripture, huh... the weak become strong?

I've definitely been feeling weak a lot. I don't do well with a schedule that changes a lot. I'm the type of person who needs a little more discipline in my life to stay sane and on top things. Also, in Texas my allergies tend to be a little more severe than in Ohio and I wake up every morning with headaches. I can control this with a pill but, if you think I'm mellow now, you should see me after I've take one! I haven't had any sugar for two weeks and it hasn't helped much. I've tried a lot of medications, diets, etc. but the one thing that has always worked the best is prayer. Please pray that I would recieve wisdom and healing.

I really want to keep in touch with you! I'm very flexible in doing this. Please feel free to call me at work from 9am-5pm during the week (10am-6pm in Ohio). My phone number in admissions is 903-509-5334. My Skype name is "neilhost". I have a web cam now and would love to video chat with you (just send me an instant message first). Much thanks for all of your prayers. God bless!

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act" Psalm 37:5